Monday 15 May 2017

Evelyn's Tale

I waited patiently for a day I'd have the courage to walk out of this relationship. I loved Wale with everything I was made of. I wondered how I would survive without him. Despite all Wale's bad sides, Wale was the sweetest person I had come across when he wasn't in a bad mood. Before I married Wale, I heard stories about abusive relationships. Men hitting their wives and some tough women beating their husbands. I grew up with a single mum, so I never had the opportunity to know what it looked like for a man and woman to live together. Wale changed 3months after our wedding. After he lost his job he suddenly changed. He became very aggressive and short tempered. I tried hard to stay away from him but even that pissed him off. He accused me of seeing someone else and that  was the reason I stayed away from him. Every little thing I did seemed to make him angry. Some days he would be so sweet to me but other days it was a war zone.
I met Wale at the store I once worked. He came in with a lady friend I assumed was his girlfriend. He was very chatty and extremely friendly with every one in the store. The next day he came in and asked for my number. From there, we started going out until i got pregnant. Surprisingly, Wale was excited about the baby. He became so sweet to me. Asked me to stop work and move into his place. Wale was everything I dreamt of. He was my fairytale prince charming. He did the laundry, made breakfast most of the time and spoilt me with gifts. Wale asked to see my parents and introduced me to his mum. Could all of this be real? I asked my self..... To be continued

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