Sunday 27 August 2017

Jay Z Reveals Reason He Named His Twins Sir And Rumi

In an interview with Rap Radar which hosts Elliot Wilson and Brian Miller, JAY Z. Jay Z revealed how he and Beyonce came up with their twins names. He said “Rumi is our favorite poet, so it was for our daughter, Sir was like, man, come out the gate. He carries himself like that. He just came out, like, Sir.” Jay Z further  revealed how their firstborn, 5-year-old daughter Blue Ivy, ended up rapping a freestyle on his new album, the sexuality of his mum and more.

How To Know He Is Not Into You

He Constantly Talks About His Ex: It's fine to bring up the ex once in a while under very neutral contexts, e.g.,  "My ex has the kids this week." But talking incessantly about prior relationships is tacky and might also imply that there are still some unresolved issues lingering in his head, whether it's rage, resentment or doubt. This rule applies to you too. Do not mention your previous love life and its contents, including: pet names, restraining orders or sex.

He tells you he's not ready for a relationship: I can't believe how many times I've heard women dismiss this statement and continue pursuing unavailable men. These guys will flat out tell you that they don't want to commit to you, but here you are, baking them cookies, enjoying naked sleepovers and gushing to all your girlfriends about what a catch he is. Because, "once he sees how great you are,  he will surely commit.
If this is you, please find someone to slap you back into reality.

He wants to get into a relationship immediately: Refusing to commit to you is not a good thing, but neither is moving into a relationship at lightning speed. Relax, you aren't Benjamin Button-- you don't have five minutes to fall in love and have babies. If your man tells you he loves you or wants to commit to you during or shortly after the first date, something is up. (Unless of course, you do too, and it's love at first sight for both of you.)
He hasn't asked you out: This should be a given, but I can't tell you how many times I've heard people texting or g-chatting for months and months before any attempt at physical contact is made.  If you're seeking mild flirtation or a virtual relationship, texting is fine-but if you want something more, then he needs to make a move in real life. If you're at a point where you don't want to wait anymore, stop waiting. You shouldn't have to force someone to ask you out.

He doesn't let you go near his phone:  This is also a given, in my opinion. But I have firsthand witnessed relationships in which phones are private property, locked and guarded with military-like defense systems. If your partner has issues about letting you see his phone, then chances are, he's hiding something sketchy.

 No Chemistry! He may have a great career, a nice apartment with hardwood floors, a humanitarian heart and killer abs, but if he doesn't make your heart all warm and fuzzy, he's not it. Chemistry isn't instant-- sometimes, it can be discovered gradually, like in these situations. But, after a certain point, you will know if that spark is missing.  And if that's the case, be gentle and kind. After all, wouldn't you want to be let down just as easy if someone just wasn't that into you?
Photo Credit: Getty

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Rihanna Sprays 6.8 Million Dollars On New Mansion

Just three months after a stalker broke into her New York penthouse, Rihanna buys a $6.8 million mansion in Hollywood Hills, reported by E! News. Now, the singer is definitely working it out as she has acquired a luxurious mansion in Hollywood.  E! had reported that the 7,130 square-feet mega-mansion is worth $6.8 million and that leaves us stunned. It sits on close to a half-acre which looks over the Sunset Trip in Los Angeles. E! Has reported that the new property is fully secure and is sure to prevent trespassers. If you are anxious to have a glimpse of where the work , work , work , diva would be spending her personal the soon, then below are photos of the mansion gotten from E! News.

How Sitting All Day Gives A Bigger Butt

For some this might be good news but for others this might just be a night mare. If you are comfortably sitter then kindly stand up because this news would determine if you would continue sitting.
Sitting down for hours can broaden your rear and cause excess fat in your bottom.
This warning comes from a scientists who usually researches on bed sores which can affect those bedridden or in a wheelchair due to paralysis. They revealed that sitting for long periods of time as most of us do at work produces up to 50 per cent more fats and scans of their buttocks showed the muscles where shrinking and breaking down due to lack of exercise. More surprising was the discovery that fat cells seemed to thrive on the inactivity, infiltrating the muscle, and creating thick ‘stripes’ of fat! So if you have a job which does not help exercise your butt frequently it is advisable to take breaks and go on short walks or do some butt exercises when you get home. Remember fitness can never be over emphasized. Photo Credit: Getty

Secret Wedding Photos Of Funke Akindele And Spouse Released As They Celebrate Anniversary

Funke Akindele and JJC Skillz are celebrating their first wedding anniversary and they decided to share photos from their secret wedding. It was rumoured that they were set to wed, but the state of their relationship was kept a secret until their honeymoon. You would recall that last week, new photos and video of the Funke spotting a baby bump surfaced. Photo Credit: Getty

Taylor Swift Soon To Release New Album

Popstar Taylor Swift just announced the release date of her new album titled “Reputation.” On August 18 the popstar wiped her social media account. Over the past year, Taylor hasn't really has a rosy relationship with the media. Taylor on her Instagram also announced that the first single off the album will be released tomorrow, Thursday. She has also shared a photo of the album art, announcing that the album will be released November 10. Photo Credit: Getty

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Carolina Danjuma Claims To Be "Born Again"

Caroline Danjuma has claimed that she’s now celibate, and this has developed confusion among her fans.
Some have even asked disturbing questions about her marriage to a billionaire.

Writing on her Instagram today, the former actress shared the finger rosary she got from her church recently, adding that she has been blessed by a priest.

“Dedicated to Christ. Felt so elated after the priest blessed me,” she wrote in the post, adding a series of hashtags in which she noted that she is now “celibate” and is “waiting on the Lord, one step at a time. [I’ve] been wishing on this for so long. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it.”

She continued, saying that she is still “finding” herself, however, it is “a whole new world” because she is now “reborn”, she said. Photo Credit: Getty

Sunday 20 August 2017

Lady Shares Heart Warming Tribute Of Adopted Daughter

With joy a lady on Instagram shared a heart warming post and gave a beautiful tribute to her adopted daughter  of over 17years. She had this to say.
On the 5th of August 2017, my legally adopted daughter Ngozi Udenwa got married to the man who was specially handpicked for her by God himself….. A wonderful young man I must say.

Some of you already know a bit about how she became my daughter but the majority of you have no idea and I wish to share the amazing story of our journey together as mother and daughter…..
In the year 2000, barely 2 months after I gave birth to my first child, by sheer happenstance I got a second househelp….. My first househelp had gone home to see her family briefly and I needed someone to cover for her until she returned….. My parents got me the second househelp to help me with my new baby so I could face my studies squarely, seeing that I was a 5th year medical student at the time. That second househelp was Ngozi Udenwa my daughter….. She was only to stay with me for a short while, just a few days but she ended up staying with me until the 5th of August 2017….. More than 17yrs in total!!!
Bride Ngozi & her husband and Ada & husband.
When she came into my care, she was a lovely, humble, lowly, young innocent beautiful girl whose only ambition in life was to be sent to school….. She had completed primary school but was yet to commence secondary school….. She was very passionate about going to secondary school at all cost, and I assured her that not only would she go to secondary school, she would also go to the University and be a huge success under the care of my husband and I….. To the glory of God’s mighty name Amen 
And so our journey started….. I quickly observed that she was a very humble, patient and kind hearted person….. Ngozi approached every task you gave her with equanimity…. She was never flustered nor irritated….. She always did her tasks thoroughly and with great conscience ….. She was also particularly honest, trust worthy and hard working, she hardly ever complained about anything and when she did, I always took her seriously, knowing that for her to talk, it must be something of great significance ….. A very mild mannered, meek, respectful, tolerant and peaceful young lady….. She was a pleasure to have in my home….. She treated my children like she was their own mother, she would cry when they were sick, I was amazed at the love she showered on them whether I was around or not, her behaviour towards them was always the same…. She treated them exactly the same in my absence as she did in my presence….. And that was one of the best things about her….. She was always without any form of pretence….. Ngozi did not know and still does not know the meaning of “eye-service”….. With her what you saw was what you got whether she was being watched or not….. The consistency in the goodness she exudes greatly endeared her to my husband, myself and all the members of our families who had the opportunity of dealing with her….
Everyone admired the dedication with which she loved and cared for my children and my home….. She is the kind of person you can leave your kids with and go to Timbuktu and sleep with your 2 eyes closed, confident in the knowledge that your children would be cared for as if you were the one caring for them yourself…. As the kids grew older, they testified to the goodness of Aunty Ngo as they all refer to her …..
My husband and I enrolled her in secondary school as soon as she settled into our home….. And she proved to be an intelligent, ambitious and focused young lady to our collective delight….. She knew what she wanted and she set out to achieve it….. By the time she came to our home, her biological mother was already deceased, a few years into her secondary education, she also lost her biological father….. And became an orphan biologically….. As time went on, we decided to relocate abroad and we decided to legally adopt her and take her with us….. By then she had lived with us for 4 years and we were pretty confident that we were doing the right thing and that with God on our side, neither of us was going to regret the move to make Ngozi our legally adopted daughter, with all the rights and privileges that go with her newly acquired status….. The adoption process was rigorous but we succeeded in the end and we brought her with us to Ireland….. My husband and I promised her that if she remained as loyal, respectful, hardworking and peaceful as she has been, then we will ensure that she becomes a university graduate and an Irish citizen, God willing.
She became a very important member of our family, providing the much needed robust domestic support while she was enrolled into the Irish educational system to work her way into the tertiary institution here….. Through us she became an Irish citizen and soon got a good job while she continued to study…..To the glory of God’s mighty name Amen….. And this year she graduated from the University ….. I am so grateful to God and proud of her for achieving this great feat because I know just how much she wanted this….. And less than a month after she graduated, she got married to her Prince Charming…. …. Talk about everything coming together for good to those who love God, who work according to His purpose…..
Ngozi and her husband
Ngozi could have given us hell in Ireland if she wanted to…. Infact she was advised to do so by some unscrupulous elements when she was about to leave Nigeria with us …. But she CHOSE to give us peace and joy and in return she is reaping peace and joy…. She played a key role in maintaining the stability of my home and now she will enjoy great stability in her own home, as it has pleased God….. We have become so close as mother and daughter that I hardly remember that she was once my househelp….. We have a deeply confiding relationship and my children are as much her children as they are her siblings too….. They love their Aunty Ngo so much and won’t hesitate to fell anyone who stands in the way of her happiness….. They are that protective of her.
It gives us tremendous joy as a family to see her become a success in both her personal and professional lives…… She is both personally, professionally and economically fulfilled…. Chineke daalu ….. My husband and I are so elated that through the grace, mercy and favour of God, we fulfilled our promise to her ….. Our promise to her that she will become successful in all aspects of her life if she remained good has been fulfilled today…. Holy Trinity in one God we bow down and worship you for enabling us to make good on our promise to her after she delivered her own part of the agreement.
Family photo
My family and I travelled en masse to Nigeria this July in order to send her forth, honour her and celebrate with her as she commenced her new life as a married woman…. It is our fervent prayer that God continues to reward her goodness and loyalty to us even as we have tried in our own little way to reward her through the grace, mercy and favour of God Amen 
From my Househelp My legally adopted DaughterIrish citizen Working class girlGraduateBeloved wife of a good man….. It took 17 yrs but she’s finally where she truly wants to be……Thank you Jesus….. Amen  ….. She was patient….. Very patient…. But she now has it all, against all odds….. Chineke daalu 
Ada and Ngozi
Humility, patience and a great sense of loyalty made her what she is today….. Humility attracted God’s favour into her life, patience helped her wait for the full manifestations of God’s blessings and her loyalty to us was rewarded with our loyalty to her….. Seeing Ngozi go from a lowly impoverished househelp to an economically viable university graduate who is now an Irish citizen and a happily married woman has added more years to my life because of the sense of fulfilment it affords me…… I am indeed deeply gratified…. Chineke daalu 
Humility is the mother of all virtues….. If you want to be served….. You must first serve!
….. With patience and humility!!!
Jesus Igweeeeeeeeeeee 

Zahra Buhari Celebrates Father's Arrival

There has been lots of jubilation after the arrival of the president just yesterday. Recently, Zahra Buhari celebrated her father’s return to Nigeria and stated that her father was like a cat with nine lives.

,On her Instagram page, she had described President Buhari as the ‘strongest’ man she knows, and went on to say a prayer for those she said wants to eliminate the president.
“God is watching,” she said and agreed with a fan who compared the president with the cat with nine lives. Photo Credit: Recall that the president’s jet, Eagle One, left London at 10.27am touched down at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja at about 4.36pm.
Some of the figures who welcomed the president at the airport included Yemi Osinbajo, Abba Kyari, Rochas Okorocha and Mohammed Abubakar. President Buhari is expected to address the nation upon his resumption on Monday morning.
President Buhari’s return to the country triggered mixed reactions from those for and against his administration, however, amid all the bickering, discerning fellows have noted important issues the president should begin to address once he fully resumes office. Photo Credit: Getty

Saturday 19 August 2017

Ways To Manage A Grumpy Boss

So I came across this article from the muse and I think it would interest my readers, especially those going through mental stress at various work places. You might have been thinking of quitting but that is definitely not the solution In an ideal world, we would all have fantastic managers—bosses who helped us succeed, who made us feel valued, and who were just all-around great people.

Unfortunately, that's not always the case. But, whether the person you work for is a micromanager, has anger management problems, shows favoritism toward one person, or just isn't very competent, you still have to make the best of the situation and get your job done.
To help out, we've gathered the best advice from around the web for dealing with a bad boss. Try one or more of these tips to find some common ground with your boss—or at least stay sane until you find a new gig.
1. Make Sure You’re Dealing With a “Bad Boss”
Before trying to fix your bad boss, make sure you really are dealing with one. Is there a reason for her behavior, or are you being too hard on him or her?
“Observe your boss for a few days and try to notice how many things she does well versus poorly. When she is doing something “bad,” try to imagine the most forgiving reason why it could have occurred. Is it truly her fault, or could it be something out of her control?”
2. Identify Your Boss’ Motivation
Understanding why your boss does or cares about certain things can give you insight into his or her management style.
“...if the rules are totally out of control, try to figure out your boss’ motivation. Maybe it’s not that he really cares about how long your lunch break takes; he actually cares about how it looks to other employees and their superiors.”
3. Don’t Let it Affect Your Work
No matter how bad your boss' behavior, avoid letting it affect your work. You want to stay on good terms with other leaders in the company (and keep your job!).
“Don’t try to even the score by working slower, or taking excessive ‘mental health’ days or longer lunches. It will only put you further behind in your workload and build a case for your boss to give you the old heave-ho before you’re ready to go.”
4. Stay One Step Ahead
Especially when you're dealing with a micromanager, head off your boss' requests by anticipating them and getting things done before they come to you.
“…a great start to halting micromanagement in its tracks is to anticipate the tasks that your manager expects and get them done well ahead of time. If you reply, ‘I actually already left a draft of the schedule on your desk for your review,’ enough times, you’ll minimize the need for her reminders. She’ll realize that you have your responsibilities on track—and that she doesn’t need to watch your every move.”
5. Set Boundaries
Working with someone who seems to have no boundaries means that you have to go ahead and set them.
“One of the challenges of unlikable people is that they come with equally unlikable behavior—and it’s important to learn how to distance yourself from that behavior. As Robert Frost said, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’”
6. Stop Assuming They Know Everything
Just because someone has a managerial title doesn’t mean that they have all the right answers, all the time.
“I realized then that, just because someone is in a position of authority, doesn’t mean he or she knows everything. From that point forward, I stopped assuming the title ‘manager was equivalent to ‘all knowing.’
7. Act as the Leader
When dealing with an incompetent boss, sometimes it's best to make some leadership decisions on your own.
If you know your area well enough, there is no reason to not go ahead creating and pursuing a direction you know will achieve good results for your company. People who do this are naturally followed by their peers as an informal leader. Management, although maybe not your direct boss, will notice your initiative. Of course, you don’t want to do something that undermines the boss, so keep him or her in the loop.
8. Identify Triggers
If your boss has anger management problems, identify what triggers her meltdowns and be extra militant about avoiding those.
“For example, if your editor flips when you misspell a source’s name, be sure to double and triple-check your notes. And if your boss starts foaming at the mouth if you arrive a moment after 8 AM, plan to get there at 7:45—Every. Single. Day.”
9. Use Tips from Couples' Therapy
When dealing with disagreement, pull on some tenants from couple's therapy to work through the issue.
“Simply repeat back to him what he said and ask “Is that what you meant?” (a standard trick ripped from couples' therapy). If he agrees to your recap, ask him to tell you more about it. When you repeat someone's perspective back to him, you give him a chance to expound and, crucially, to feel heard.
10. Avoid Future Bad Bosses
When interviewing with a new company, do your research ahead of time to make sure you're not getting into another situation with a less-than-ideal manager.
“Have coffee or lunch with one or more staffers at the new company. Ostensibly, your purpose is to learn general information about the company and its culture. However, use this opportunity to discover as much about your potential boss as possible, without appearing creepy, of course.”

Photo Credit: Getty

Benefits Of Intimacy In Marriage

This post is for couples who have accepted sex in their relationship and couples who are still contemplating. For those who aren't married, having a sexless relationship isn't bad but to those married but still starve their partners of sex, here are five reasons why you should rethink. Sex can be a much more passionate experience when you share it with a meaningful partner. Sex may feel like a mere means of pleasure and fun but there is a lot of good that it can do for your relationship. To some people sex may seem overrated, but we give you five reasons why sex is beneficial for your relationship.

Keeps you connected
Sex is an intimate experience, which can bring you closer to your partner not just physically but emotionally. Your bedroom chemistry can also improve the chemistry in your relationship. A sexless relationship can become vulnerable over time and therefore, you need sex to keep the fire burning.

Keeps stress at bay
With the kind of lives we live, stress has become an integral part of it. This often takes a toll on your relationship. However, research shows that sex releases a feel-good chemical in the brain, which reduces stress levels. Instead of resorting to antidepressants, engage in a heated sex session to improve your well being and strengthen your relationship.
Keeps the romance alive
Sex may seem like a physical activity but it has an emotional appeal to it. It causes the body to release oxytocin, which is also called the love hormone that will make you feel that you need to love and trust your partner. 

Keeps the hormones balanced
We’ve already mentioned that being sexually active will calm stress but apart from that it also helps your body maintain hormonal balance. This hormonal balance will calm other emotional problems like depression and anxiety and will also increase fertility.

Keeps you both healthy
Sex can also benefit your overall health. Sex can also make you more flexible. It also acts as a metabolic and immune booster and can also fight the ageing process. This ensures that it not only keeps you and your partner healthy but also keeps your relationship vibrant.

Buhari To Arrive Nigeria Today After Sick Leave

In a statement by the Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari,  it read that Buhari will be returning to Nigeria today to continue his leadership after more than 100 days of absence due to ill health.

He further added that Buhari will address the country on Monday, August 21 by 7AM. Read below:

President Muhammadu Buhari returns to the country later today, after receiving medical attention in London.

The President had left the country on May 7, this year, after handing over power to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, who has functioned as Acting President since then.#

President Buhari is expected to speak to Nigerians in a broadcast by 7 a.m on Monday, August 21, 2017.

He thanks all Nigerians who have prayed ceaselessly for his recovery and well-being since the beginning of the health challenge.

Lagos State Government Justifies Demolition Of Buildings In Yaba

As reported by Olisa TV,  Lagos state government has justified the demolition of houses and other structures in the Abete-Iwaya area of Yaba on Friday, claiming the structures were built without approval.

The state’s ministry of physical planning & urban development said it carried out the demolition exercise in order to return the land to its rightful owners.

Chief public affairs officer of the ministry, Mrs Olubukonla Nwonah, said that the land belonged to the University of Lagos (UNILAG).

“The demolition is from our office. The property belongs to UNILAG. The development has no permit. All necessary statutory notices had been served before demolition,” Nwonah said.

A number of residents lamented that the demolition would impose further hardship on the residents of the area left homeless after their houses were pulled down and their belongings exposed to the vagaries of nature.

A non-governmental organisation, Just Empower Initiative (JEI) on Friday claimed the government failed to give appropriate notices and had failed to make plans to resettle the residents.

Photo Credit: Getty

Just Like Reekado Banks, Solid Star Has Been Denied Visa To Italy

According to LIB who had an exclusive interview with Mavin singer, Reekado Banks it was reported that he was denied visa to travel to UK for his 'Thank You concert' which left him a bit depressed.


Now, we can confirm that he's not the only celebrity to have suffered in the hands on the foreign embassies as Solidstar was also denied visa by the Italian embassy.


Reliable sources told LIb that Solidstar, 'applied for a Tourist Visa and was denied'. The singer who is gearing up to drop a new song titled 'International Woman' may have to postpone his European Tour as another source tells us, 'Solidstar has been denied by the Italian embassy twice in less than one month. He is supposed to go on Europe tour and tickets has been on sale already.  It's really depressing especially with the fact that he has US visa/work permit on his passport already'.


We hear the singer is now re-applying for work permit so he can go for his Tour later this year.