Wednesday 1 March 2017

Its really easy Squat 'n' Butts

Okay guys, you might just be a lady or a guy who loves his lady with a firm nice butt reading this post. Well don't worry your little heads anymore because after you read this post, it wouldn't sound impossible anymore. Most of us probably think its all stories but believe me, its  true story. A lot of us ladies have tried out squats especially the period when it was really popular and most of us that tried stopped early because of the pain that came with it.Yes I also stopped once but continued when I realized the technique to it. Some continued for a long period but unfortunately, didn't go about it the right way. Well non of these should be a reason for concern because below are techniques and mechanisms of squats. So keep your pretty eyes fixed and don't move an inch.

How It Works
Most of us are aware there's no magic like adding up without eating meals like  protein. Eating is the only possible way the body can develop. So if you exercise and go on a strict diet you tend to lose more weight which might not be a bad idea, if you are working towards that. But if you are working towards gaining weight in your butt area then lots of meal with protein and a bit of healthy carbohydrate is seriously recommended as you do your squats. You see as you exercise frequently, your muscles tend to obtain injuries *tears* and it is only normal that those tears are renewed with new tissues. And we are aware that protein is a nutrient for growth and body building. So generous intake of protein automatically replaces the muscles and's our big BUTTS.

Food I Can Take
(ladies who find it difficult to gain weight)
>Lot of plant protein like beans
>Animal protein and lots of fresh milk
>carbohydrate like sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, ripe plantain.
>veggies.. a lot
>fruits...this gives you appetite for food.
>plenty of water.

Please make sure you eat at least 3times daily.

Food I Can Take
(ladies who find it easy to gain weight)
>More of Plant protein and less animal protein..
> Carbohydrate once a day, preferably oats.
> plenty of veggies and fruits
>Lots of water ..not soda.

Eat normally and seriously do your squats.

How Do I Squat?
For beginners, this depends on how far you can go. I always advice beginners to do what they can but must be consistent to see results. you can start with ten squats the first two days, then 15 and then keep adding at least 5 squats every day you choose to squat. Always take 1day break after three days to allow your muscles heal. Never skip meals also. With time lovely you would see the result.
Good luck..

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