Friday 3 March 2017

Finding Love in a wedding.

For some reasons I hated weddings, I wasn't a fashion lover, I could put on a t_shirt and a jean and i'm good to go. A lot of my friends mistook me for a bloke( a woman who behaved like a man). For the love of God I  enjoyed my comfort. I couldn't walk on heels and I bloody loved my snickers. At 23 I was pretty and hell curvy. My mum formed the habit of walking behind me any time we went to shop in the open market. I could hear around me whistles and teases and of course my mum throwing insults at the market boys. In my room, my cousin sat in front of me with a look in her eyes that read "if you mess up my wedding party I would kill you". Bibi, I playfully called her as I kissed her cheeks. Can't I just dress normally? I asked trying hard to look cute. You can't dress like that to my wedding, thank goodness I came around today. What if you were part of my bridal train? This time she looked concerned. Suzanne you would never get a husband if you keep acting like a man. She said as she picked up her bag ready to leave. You could come this evening to my place to pick up some really nice dresses and I would teach you how to walk on heels.  I accepted and thanked her but I knew I was only doing this because it was her wedding and it was happening the next day.  How the hell was I going to learn walking on heels in less than a day.  Bibi taught me and I learnt though it wasn't easy keeping the leg straight. The next day was the day and I was really excited for some reason, I dressed early and drove mum and dad to the catholic church where the wedding mass was to take place. On reaching the church I saw a lot of ladies who were by far bigger than me in age, class and money and then I realized what my cousin meant by me not getting a husband dressed casually. I let my parents find their sits and I found somewhere comfy at the back. I was already dozing when I felt a nudge at my shoulder. I woke with a start and realised I was even drooling and I hoped I wasn't also talking. I turned and asked the man beside me "was I talking in my sleep?" and all he did was smile. So embarrassing. After they had exchanged their vows  the mass was over and I was nothing but glad. Let's go party the man beside me said. I wasn't sure he was talking to me but then I realized it was just the two of us on that row. My name is Kehinde and yours? And all I could say was " my parents should be waiting for me" and then the next place I saw Kehinde was at the reception. Kehinde was a pretty good dancer and he didn't take his eyes off me for as long as  5minutes. As I watched I found out Kehinde was a friend of the groom. He wasn't really handsome but his body physique was to die for. I tried not to look at him but I couldn't help it and I think he noticed because he kept throwing smiles at me. I must confess i'm not too outspoken i'm a bit shy so I caught my self blushing through out the exchange of glance session. You are so pretty he said as he took a sit beside me. I smiled hoping I wasnt blushing. You didn't tell me your name he said now passing me a glass of red wine. My name is Suzanne and you? I pretended to have forgotten looking at his face if he was hurt. We talked some more and was impressed with what he said about himself. Though Kehinde isn't the  first guy i have    fallen in love  with, I hope he would be the last. I am 25 now and hoping he would pop that question someday. I love him and he doesnt stop telling me of how much he blesses the day we met at my cousins wedding.

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